Stylish, bright, fabulous Cypriot women excite the imagination and inspire bold deeds. One of these actions can be tying the knot with a Cypriot girl, which will become the main event in your life. So, if you still do not know how beautiful the soul and body of the sultry islanders are, the most exciting things await you ahead.
What Are Cypriot Women Like?

Asians with a Western mentality, southerners with a European outlook on life. Cypriot women are a complete sensation and discovery. Are you ready to explore the world from a new, Cypriot side?
They look tempting
Cypriots can be called quite a beautiful nation. The type of Cypriot appearance is the Mediterranean, combining Greek and Turkish notes. Tanned skin, dark eyes, and hair are the dominant appearances for the women of Cyprus, although sometimes light-haired types can also be found. However, unlike Turkish and Greek women, the facial features of Cypriot women are distinguished by softness and special appeal.
They are kind and hospitable
Cypriot women are incredibly happy to meet people. They immediately invite new friends to their company and their houses. The friendliness and hospitality of Cypriots know no bounds because in their traditions it has long been customary to welcome guests cordially.
They are hilarious
The girls in Cyprus are not deprived of a sense of humor and a positive outlook on life. It seems that their motto sounds something like this: in any incomprehensible situation, joke, and laugh. At least smile. They just love to have fun and their jokes are very funny.
They are bold and proactive
Young Cypriot women boldly get acquainted with the guy they like, and also boldly tell him about their feelings. This does not mean that they prefer to take the initiative – just, Cypriot chicks are devoid of complexes and believe that it does not matter who exactly takes the first step. The main thing is to do this step.
They prefer an active lifestyle
Sitting at home, buried in a gadget, is not about Cypriots. They love being outside, socializing, playing sports, or swimming. Perhaps it is for this reason the figures of most Cypriot women are worthy of admiration.
Do Cypriot Women Make Good Wives?
Cypriot society continues to be patriarchal, and therefore, from childhood, the woman realized that taking care of the house and children is her area of responsibility. At the same time, she can work and even make a career, but she does not forget about cleaning and cooking.
Living with a Cypriot woman is easy and relaxed. She is in predominantly high spirits, usually takes an active interest in her husband’s affairs, and can convey an atmosphere of carelessness to others.
The Cypriot woman takes care of the children but expects a little help from her husband in this.
What Kind of Men Do They Like?
Marriages without love are rare in the country. Forced marriage to a “suitable” person chosen by the parents is considered something unnatural and a violation of human rights. Therefore, in picking a man, a Cypriot woman is guided solely by her heart.
Who can win her heart? As a rule, this is a kind, cheerful person, capable of taking care of her and her children in every sense. He must be able to work well and have a good rest, and at the same time be open-minded and have sense of humor.
Where to meet Cypriot Women in Country?

Cypriot hotties prefer to spend maximum time under the sun, absorbing vitamin D, which makes them so young and attractive. Where to meet hot Cypriot chicks?
On the beaches
Local beauties spend time on the beaches quite often, especially during the off-season, when there are not so many tourists. Practice shows that girls are most disposed to communicate with strangers on the beach – still, the atmosphere itself is conducive.
In cafés and restaurants
All southern peoples like to sit with a cup of coffee in a restaurant, slowly drinking it and enjoying life. Cypriots are no exception, and although they frequently gather in the company of friends, they can sit alone. Join to the pretty café visitor and who knows, maybe this will become a new chapter in two stories at once.
The most famous cafés in Larnaca: To Kafe Tis Chrysanthi’s, Mingle Café, Kybele Café Restaurant
The most famous cafés in Nicosia: Kennedy’s Café, Sicily Café Cyprus Nicosia, Halara Café.
On the embankments
If there are beaches, there are also promenades, and in Cyprus, they are bright, modern, and lively. There are many attractions, interesting locations, photo zones, gazebos, mini-cafes, and other joys of life that attract both tourists and residents. Isn’t it an ideal place for walks and promising meetings?
Where to Meet Cypriot Women Online?
An acquaintance on the street does not always end with a long-awaited wedding. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is that people often misunderstand each other and at the very beginning of communication cannot determine what the intentions of their interlocutor are.
In online services for finding a partner, it is initially obvious what the girl is aiming for. You just have to choose the one that you like and attract her in the process of communicating online. This greatly simplifies the search for the one you dream of.
How to Date a Cyprus Girl: 5 Tips
Dating a Cypriot girl is pure pleasure. However, let us talk about how to please her too.
Go shopping together
Cypriot girls love fashionable clothes, and they pay great attention to brands. Therefore, joint shopping will give her great delight. Walk together in boutiques, shopping malls, select something interesting, and try it on. If you hate shopping, just buy for her a branded item in an online store.
Be cheerful but not frivolous
Cypriot girls love easy-going men with whom she will not get bored. At the same time, they need to understand that you feel responsible for her. If a Cypriot girl goes on a date, then she will certainly expect actions from you that confirm your serious intentions.
Offer her to go to a nude beach
Such a romantic idea is sure to fill your dates with the spice that Cypriots love so much. Meanwhile, the barriers between you will fall, and you will appear before each other in a new light, free and liberated.
Add an element of competition
Be a kid for a while – play games or race to the nearest beach. You can also arrange competitions in throwing stones into the water, playing intellectual games – everything depends on your imagination. Cheerful and playful Cypriots will be delighted with your lightness and creative approach to spending time together.
Learn something new together
It can be water sports or foreign languages - the main thing is that you do something together that is interesting for both of you. Openness and a thirst to explore the world in Cypriots are combined with romance, and therefore relationships with a young man often become an excellent incentive for her to discover talents.
How do Cypriot girls feel about international marriages and moving abroad?
Cypriot women are not specifically looking for a foreign husband. They are generally pleased with life on their island. However, the possibility of relocation is not ruled out. However, for this, they need to love a man sincerely and make sure that he is the one she always dreamed of.
What features of history should you consider when meeting with a Cypriot woman?
You should know that the island is divided into two parts. The northern part is a state which is recognized only by Turkey. This is a sore subject for many Cypriots, and it would be better for you not to bring it up in the company of your girlfriend and her compatriots.
How do Cypriot women treat children?
Women in Cyprus try to give birth to as many children as possible. After all, families with three children are exempt from taxes. It is not the only reason – Cypriot women love children and become adorable mothers, ready to do a lot for a happy life for their sons and daughters.

Megan Meyer is a family therapist. In her career, which spans 10+ years, she has witnessed every type of relationship possible. She is an expert at helping people understand each other better and knows what it takes to make a relationship work, even if it’s between two people from completely different walks of life.