Belarus women, as well as Russian and Ukrainian ladies, are extremely popular with men worldwide. They win the hearts of men from dozens of different countries and become their happy wives.
What makes them so extremely popular with men? And how to win the heart of a Belarus woman if you want to get an exotically beautiful girlfriend or a perfect wife?
What Are Belarus Women Like?

Belarus women conquer men worldwide by being beautiful and having a rich inner world. Here are some more details on these outstanding girls.
They are Exotically Beautiful
Girls of this nationality attract men with their angel beauty. Like all Slavic girls, they are very lovely and extremely appealing. Here is the average portrait of a typical Belarus lady:
- expressive sexy full lips;
- beautiful emphasized brows making their faces expressive;
- blue eyes;
- long blond hair;
- slim figure;
- the tall height and long legs.
Of course, there are some exceptions, but the described type of appearance is typical for the majority of Belarus girls.
They are Natural
Girls of this nationality do not like bright make-up. And this is not surprising! They are beautiful even without any cosmetics!
For Belarus women, being beautiful does not mean being bright and expressive. It means being well-bred. So, they frequently visit beauty salons to make their skin smoother and hair thicker and healthier. Also, they prefer using different creams and masks to buying decorative cosmetics.
No strong make-up is a great advantage. It allows a man to see and estimate the real appearance of a girl whom he will see every day at home after marriage, without being misled by tons of cosmetics hiding the real face of a woman.
They are Intelligent
Belarus girls are smart by nature. And a high level of intelligence is supplemented with a broad outlook and a good education. More than a third of Belarus women have a university degree and one more third of them have graduated from colleges.
So, pretty Belarus women are not just cute and beautiful creatures. They can also make interesting conversationalists and wise friends.
They are Hardworking
Women in Belarus know that nothing can be achieved without hard work. Hardworking is the main peculiarity of the local mentality. People from this country are not lazy. They always try hard to achieve their professional or personal goals.
They are Tolerant
Ladies of this nationality accept people for who they are. Belarus women never try to make people around them change themselves. They understand that all people have their weak sides and are tolerant of minor flaws.
They are Kind and Gentle
Ladies of this nationality are very kind-hearted. They are ready to help their close people in any possible way when they are in trouble. Being in a close relationship with a man, a girl of this nationality becomes very affectionate and never misses an opportunity to express her love to her soulmate.
They are not Arrogant
Hauteur is not about girls of this nationality. Though beautiful Belarus women have a very well-developed sense of dignity, they are not arrogant. A lady from this country always stays polite and never acts rude or scornfully towards other people.
Do Belarus Women Make Good Wives?

Thousands of men from different parts of the world dream of getting a spouse of this nationality. Here are the qualities of Belarus wives that explain their high popularity.
Reliable Life Partners for their Husbands
Belarus women put their souls into relationships. Therefore, they are always ready to help their life partners when they are in trouble. Girls of this nationality are extremely loyal and helpful. They never betray their husbands despite any life’s challenges.
Excellent Housekeepers
Belarus ladies have a talent for cooking. They always pamper their husbands, kids, and guests with delicious dishes. Traditional Belarus food never leaves foreign men indifferent! Once being treated to the dinner cooked by a woman of this nationality, any foreigner starts to dream of a Belarus wife.
Also, women from this country never neglect to clean the house. They are very neat and like it when all the things at home are kept in perfect order.
Good Mothers for their Kids
Belarus women have a strong maternal instinct. They make very loving mothers and do everything for their children to grow happy and always feel beloved. Also, they cultivate good manners and a love for education in kids from early childhood.
Always Welcoming for Guests
Hospitality is a typical feature of all Slavs. And Belarus women do not make an exception. They are always ready to receive guests, pay much attention to them, and care for them to feel maximally comfortable.
Belarus wives never let guests go home hungry. They set a table full of tasty dishes every time someone comes to their place. Therefore, if you get a wife of this nationality, you will be always proud of her in the eyes of your friends and relatives.
What Kind of Men Do They Like?
Belarus women have a very conscious approach to finding a life partner. They do not pay much attention to appearance as they believe inner beauty and character traits being more important for a future husband. Age also matters little. Belarus girls usually do not mind their future husbands being a bit older.
The main features that can make you stand out from the crowd of other candidates for a Belarus lady’s hand are:
- Being a foreigner. Marrying a foreigner is considered prestigious in Belarus. Therefore, many women of this nationality dream of marrying a man from abroad.
- Love for children. A perfect husband from a Belarus woman’s point of view is first of all a good father. So, if you are ready for children and know how to make them happy, a Belarus lady will find you a perfect match.
- A positive outlook on life. Belarus girls do not like people who are hung up on the negative. Staying positive in any situation is a great advantage that increases the chances to win the heart of a Belarus woman.
- Being an interesting conversationalist. Being a breadwinner for a family and a good father for children is not all that a Belarus woman wants to find in a person of her husband. First of all, she is eager to get a true friend. So, if you know how to keep a lively conversation going, a Belarus woman will definitely not mind dating you.
- Being ambitious and hardworking. These are character traits inherent to Belarus women. And they want to have the same men around them.
Where to Meet Belarus Women in Belarus?

Minsk: the Capital of Belarus
This city’s nightlife astonishes by its brightness and variety. See it for yourself after visiting one of the most popular clubs:
- Crystal Hall Minsk;
- Next Club;
- Black House Club;
- Hot Coffee House;
- Crazy House;
- TNT Rock Club;
- Rich Cat Club.
If you are not a big fan of nightclubs, go to one of the numerous parks or to the local zoo.
Gomel: a Picturesque Town in the Southeast of Belarus
A lot of sexy Belarus girls are looking for boyfriends at the popular local places:
- The Nota karaoke bar;
- The Kazantip disco bar;
- The Europe nightclub;
- The Arena-hall nightclub.
Where to Meet Belarus Women Online?
What to do if you cannot leave your work or business for a long time? How to arrange a personal life and get a wife of your dreams if there is no opportunity to go abroad for a few weeks or even months to meet Belarus women?
The only option is getting acquainted with girls of this nationality online. But if you open Tinder or any other popular dating app you are unlikely to find Belarus ladies there. On the services of this kind, you will most likely find only women from the country you live in.
But do not give up too soon! There is a way out! There are some specialized online services for finding foreign husbands that are popular in Belarus. The websites and mobile apps of this kind offer a wide range of hot Belarus girls that are looking for serious relationships. This is a great chance to find a soulmate from Belarus without having to go to this country.
How to Date a Belarus Girl: 6 Tips
Dating Belarus women may seem to be challenging as Slavic souls are believed to be complex and mysterious. But there is nothing to worry about! Just follow these recommendations, and you will succeed in dating a Belarus girl:
- Find something in common. This is the first step of starting a good relationship. Belarus women want their men to be true friends first of all. So, having common interests, hobbies, or similar life views will make you closer and will give a great start to long-term relationships.
- Be initiative. Belarus women do not like to make first steps in relationships. They believe that a man should take initiative. So, do not be too shy to write to her first, call her frequently, and ask her out.
- Be honest. Belarus girls cannot stand the lie. Being dishonest can break your relationships with a woman of this nationality forever. So, do not put your happiness at risk and always tell the truth to your Belarus girlfriend.
- Pay much attention to your soulmate. Women of this nationality quickly become attached to their life partners. So, do not let your girlfriend miss you by interrupting communication for a while. Even if you are having a long-distance relationship, pay much attention to her by constant chatting and frequent calls.
- Show her that you can take care of her well. Belarus women like strong and loving men who can take care of them. Show you are of this kind by helping her when she is in trouble and giving presents to her.
- Appreciate everything she does for you. Belarus women always give them all to relationships. They care for their men to be always happy. But when they do not see any gratitude as a response to their actions they quickly lose enthusiasm and may become much colder.
What Language Do Belarus Women Speak?
Mother languages for these ladies are Belarusian and Russian. Despite the fact that English is taught at schools and universities as the main foreign language, still few people in Belarus can fluently speak it.
Therefore, you should care about overcoming a language barrier. For example, choose the dating platforms that provide professional translation services. Or use online translators that will help to understand each other.
In the future, if a woman really loves you, she will learn English before getting married and moving to the country you live in. There are a lot of good English courses in Belarus, so it will not be a problem.
Are Belarus Women Gold Diggers?
There is a stereotype that all Slavic girls love only money and are interested only in a man’s wallet, not his personality and feelings. But this is definitely not about Belarus women. Ladies of this nationality are very intelligent and hardworking. Many of them have graduated from colleges and universities. Therefore, they know how to build a career and earn money on their own. So, Belarus girls look for foreign husbands not to get material goods, but because they want to start happy families.
What is the Average Age for Marriage in Belarus?
According to statistics, the average age of getting married is 25 years. So, on the websites for finding foreign husbands, there are plenty of girls at the age of 18-25.

Megan Meyer is a family therapist. In her career, which spans 10+ years, she has witnessed every type of relationship possible. She is an expert at helping people understand each other better and knows what it takes to make a relationship work, even if it’s between two people from completely different walks of life.